
The Asshole can't even reward loyalty right.

all i'm saying is, if i 'donated' $100,000 to the Elect The Asshole campaign, and i got invited to a special Ball for the Flagrantly Rich to celebrate being Flagrantly Rich and how the successful campaign to Elect The Asshole will only result in more Flagrant Richness, and i bought a special tuxedo/flowy dress/cowboy hat, and i had to ride the dc metro with other people that normally ride the metro, especially a hell-bound dyke protester who was determined to untie my shoe/bump into me in a violating way/step on my open-toe heels, i would be pissed. i would think, 'you know, i understand the need to take extra security measures, closing a lot of roads to traffic and thereby preventing my cab/limo/town car from reaching the ball location, but c'mon, the metro? $100,000 and i'm expected to actually handle coin change to purchase a metro ticket? don't you realize how many people that make much less money than i do touch coin change? and how they probably aren't as well-medicated as i am? i might get sick or there might be something sticky on the coin change and then i'll have Sticky Coin Change Hands. the avoidance of coin change was one of my primary reasons for beoming Flagrantly Rich... plus that dyke is really creeping me out.'

not really qualifying as Rallying the Base, there.


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