
in which dentists are scorned.

i've never been able to get my feeble mind to grasp why a few hours of sleep can dehydrate my body to the extent that it does. i mean, i'm just sleeping. i'm not thrashing around on a machine in a gym or hurtling myself up and down mountainous trails. so when i wake up in the middle of the night and my mouth feels like some evil dentist has had that saliva-sucky thing down my throat for 4 hours, what the fuck is that? i'm not really equipped to make the difficult decision of whether or not to get up and rehydrate myself. i'm sleepy and more incoherent than i am when i'm Alert. it's hard for me to figure out how awake i am and how awake i'll be if i extract myself from the sleepy warmness of my bed, find a cup, fill it, drink it, and climb back under the sleepy warmness. if i'm too awake after all that and it's hard to get back to sleep, it's not worth it. but then again, something really has to be done about this parched-ness. last night i sided with rehydration, which ended up with some choking on the water because my mouth, without my consent, decided it needed that water Really Badly. of course, the extra energy expended on the choking woke me up more than i had calculated, and it took me an undetermined amount of time to fall back asleep. actually, it might have only been a few minutes. but it was longer than it should have been, dammit.


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