worse than conservatives devoid of critical thinking skills.
are liberals who think they are better than everyone else. by 'better,' they generally mean smarter. can often be spotted smoking their beloved Countercultural(TM) Rolled Cigarettes. are usually white and male and heterosexual. pc to a fault, professing respect and appreciation for people and their Struggles, but act with outward disdain toward actual human beings. enjoy affixing the label Feminist to their black jackets and bike messenger bags, but see no conflict of interest in affixing their eyes to any and all pairs of boobs. refuse to acknowlege that they participate in and profit from the institutions of racism, sexism, and heterosexism. scoff at The Masses and at those who shop at wal-mart, but engage any listener (or 'listener') in their rehearsed tirade against bush's economic policies that create massive job loss, requiring people to search for the lowest prices. support affirmative action but avert the eyes of any person of color that passes them in the street for fear that they will be mugged or asked for money. view all bush voters as lower life-forms, but have never actually spoken with one. excel at abstract thinking but experience massive mental electrical shortages when attempting to apply their theories to real-life situations. enjoy questioning authority, The System, and The Status-Quo, but are incapable of self-awareness or reflection. have an overwhelming need to be The Expert, and go to great lengths to prove that they are the foremost authority on climate change, workers' rights, and the wto. actually believe it was because they were the most qualified when chosen for jobs, for positions of leadership, or as authority figures. relish in deeming words or actions Offensive, completely oblivious to the fact that it is their privileged mindset that produces the notion that they are able to decide what is Offensive, or that anyone gives a flying fuck what they think is Offensive. prone to bouts of Self-Doubt, Frustration At The System, and Righteous Indignation. regularly plagiarize and regurgitate the research, ideas, and beliefs of others more talented than they, especially if said more talented individuals are of color, women, or queer.
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