
in which Personal Space gets relative.

if i'm walking in a pace that indicates that i'm not exactly in a hurry, but i'm not just strolling either, you can go ahead and absorb that as a Sign. this is fun, this little exercise in Signs. another Sign would be the gigantic headphones i have on and the offensive noise-violating sound seeping out from around the ear area. since you asked, i really need to be rocking it out hardcore style to my newest mix cd, listening for Bad Transitions or Incongruous Songs that need to be adjusted before the mix can heartily strap on the adjective Complete like a really cool indie rivet belt. mixes are Serious. i know you personally would not categorize your query as an intrusion. we can differ. maybe you didn't pick up on the multiplicity of Signs i was trying to give you, and i'm okay with that. i'm just telling you now, so you can tuck in that little knowledge nugget for future reference.

i'm sure you thought a little arm touching would be a great way to coax me into meeting your very specific need. just a little rub of the forearm, you know, for emphasis. i trust your assertion that you were in no way Looking For A Confrontation.

there are rules about stranger touching. i'm surprised that a distinguished gentleman of your aroma and obvious stature in society has not learned this important lesson by now. it wholly startles me to hear that 'no one else gets mad.'

i confess, i'm not so good with Collective Thinking, Not Putting An i In Team, or Working Well With Others. i admit that i prefer The Cave over most social interactions/outings. remind me to tell you about that some time.

but no, you can't have your pen back.


At 10:51 PM, Blogger {illyria} said...

i was getting off the bus the other day, and this man helped me out--like i was wee old lady--by wrapping his fingers around my arm.

i thought he was a skeez, but i couldn't give him the finger because his hold on me was too tight and my brain couldn't tell that certain finger to jerk up and out.


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